The first thing you see is a field of color, a yellow, orange or green color. These colors are found in nature and when seen next to one another represent change and spectrum. Next, our eyes are drawn to the images within the field, an American chestnut branch, Two turkey feathers and from the ground, two small mushrooms.
Each of these has significance but the most important thing is their presence together. We have plant, animal, and fungus. None of these should be isolated. They typically are in human-dominated systems. The tree without fungus is nothing, the animal without the tree is nothing and so on.
The American chestnut is an important story of biodiversity and man’s influence in nature whether positive or negative. For those who don’t know, The American chestnut tree was largely extinct due to a fungal blight but also due to the human reaction to that blight. We cut down trees that may have survived and spread fungal resistant seed. The American chestnut is making a comeback through the efforts of regenerative farmers, the American Chestnut Society, and many others. This plant holds a prominent place in the Forest Ranch insignia for its resilience and for the ability of humankind to help and heal. With dedication, time and hard work we can begin to undo our own damage.
The turkey is a native bird to North America that often represents abundance as in Thanksgiving. Heritage breeds boast a stoic stature and almost could have been the national symbol of America. They turkey lives in the forest but enjoys taking strolls across plains and fields. It takes refuge in brush and fallen trees (a huge value to natural systems) yet humans often remove these homes so they can get “clear” forest vistas from their windows. To me, this represents the idea of considering every inhabitant before changing a place.
The mushroom, or more broadly, fungi are a critical part of strong systems throughout life and to death. We create a lot of difficulty for fungi. Grass lawns make it very difficult for fungus to grow. So does the tilling of the soil and the adding of chemicals to our fields. Yet the benefit of having a fungal web beneath the ground holds too much value to even put into words. Mushrooms have symbiotic relationships with trees trading moisture for sugar and even creating an almost neural network between plants. In death, fungi break down life’s components to start the life cycle once again from the rich soil.
Next, we see the bold words FOREST RANCH REGEN. Starting at the end, Regen is short for Regenerative. This is, in short, beyond sustainable. We have come too far to simply live sustainable lives. We must regenerate. This is not limited to regenerating the soil, air, and water. We must regenerate our social systems and our relationships. And everyone must take part in this. That’s why the Forest Ranch speaks to people, individuals. The government who claims to represent our interests will not regenerate the planet, the rich will not regenerate the planet with new technologies. We must do “all the things” every day and with that large force, and group awareness, we have a chance. The world is densifying and hardening. We must be a positive disturbance to start a beautiful chain of succession.
The Forest Ranch is a concept which contrasts with the norm. A dusty, hot, barren stinking ranch is not a beautiful place. But when combined with a forest who\’s yields are immeasurable, who\’s shade provides comfort, and whose trees sequester carbon while keeping the soil moist, all of a sudden you have a thing of natural beauty. Ranching cattle in the forest isn’t the most mechanically efficient way to produce meat for food but it fosters a respect for the cow who is a browser and enjoys low branches as fodder just as much as a lush field of grass. This animal adds to and enriches an already abundant system. When we bring cows or other animals to the forest we are replacing pieces of the system that we have displaced because of our fear, casual preferences or greed.
Lastly, you see the words Creating Experiences which can be viewed as together or apart. Creating is what makes us human. I create videos and write to express my thoughts and ideas about the world. Some create paintings, drawings, poetry. We have to create because we are human. The thing I think we have to keep in mind is how our creativity impacts others and how it impacts the environment. Does the gardener ask the land for permission or what it wants to do? Experiences, I think is the way that someone truly learns and feels. Of course, various people learn in various different ways but I think through our hardening and through our technological advances, we have substituted quick and easy for what used to be experiential. Think about the difference between watching a YouTube video on how to build a table or spending a half-day with a master wood-worker. What nuance and tactile advantages did you miss out on by watching the video? Together, I think we must create more experiences for each other. Invite someone over for a project, nature identification walks, to cook AND THEN eat with you. This is part of healing our humanity and our relationships.
All of this is surrounded by a compass with two points, east to west. The path of the sun brings light and warmth to everything. It also means that from east to west we must really be as one in our hard work regenerating the environment. I hope this message spreads throughout the world and that the Forest Ranch can be just a small but bold part of that. Thank YOU for being a part of it too.